Studio Policies

Policies and Guidelines
The following is a list of studio policies and information. Please help to keep our records up to date by giving us any new addresses, phone numbers, etc. We are looking forward to another fabulous year. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or email us at danceatkittys@outlook.com
Automatic Payment System
All tuitions will be made through our automatic payment system. You will have two choices on how to pay. 1.) Automatic withdrawal from your account into the Kitty Lee studio bank account via online 2.) Credit card payments (Credit card payments are charged a processing fee of 3.5%) If you have a debit card please fill in the routing number and account number associated with the card to avoid fees. Payments will be deducted from your account on the 20th of each month starting with the August payment. You will pay for 10 full months with your final payment taken on May 20th. Please fill out the “Automatic withdrawal authorization form” for automatic withdrawal and credit card payments. If you are unable to do the automatic payment, please see Diane in Office.
*** A 5% discount will be applied if your tuition for the year is paid in full during the first week of classes, Aug 17th -22nd.
You may withdraw from any or all classes at any time by emailing the studio 2 weeks prior to your tuition due date. Payments of all classes that a student has participated in are due in full at time of cancellation.
Studio email is danceatkittys@outlook.com
Tuition is based on 4 classes a month. There will be a 5th class some months to make up for holidays. MAKE UP CLASSES ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE! It is up to you to contact us and arrange for your child’s make-up times. You may not skip a month and return without paying for the month missed. If classes are cancelled due to bad weather, you are welcome to make them up. Please check T.V., FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM when the weather is bad. You can also check our website (danceatkittys.com). Students are urged not to be absent unless absolutely necessary.
BALLET/TAP COMBO: Any color tights and leotard/dress, pink ballet shoes & tan tap shoes.
JAZZ BABIES: Any color tights and leotard/dress, pink ballet shoes & tan jazz shoes
JAZZ: Any color tights and leotard, jazz pants, booty shorts or capris, tan/black jazz shoes.
HIP HOP: Any comfortable clothing with clean tennis shoes (no street shoes or Jeans)
BOYS: Sweatpants, shorts, t-shirts allowed. Black tap shoes and tennis shoes for Hip Hop
LYRICAL: Any tight fitting dance wear, jazz shoes, turners or bare feet
BALLET TECHNIQUE: Black leotards and pink convertible tights, pink ballet shoes (Split Sole) Hair in a ballet bun
**Socks on feet without shoes will not be allowed in any class. Students are encouraged to wear cover-ups when coming to and from classes. This dress code is to be followed through recital.
ONE STUDENT (One class per week)………………$60.00 per month
EACH ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER……………………$50.00 per month
DANCE TEAM FEE……………………………………$55.00 per month
FUTURE STAR PROGRAM……………………. $130-170.00 per month
EXTRA CLASSES: Team and high school Ballet classes are charged a surcharge. Please ask front desk for more info.
All Students are automatically preregistered for the recital unless you email danceatkittys@outlook.com.
We must have notification by December 1st, 2024.
Class attendance is very important and if we as teachers feel that an individual has missed too many classes we may pull them from a routine. This is only fair to those who attend regularly.
No video taping will be allowed at recital.
Please video and take pictures at dress rehearsal.
Due October 20th
There will be a deposit of $25 for each student per class due the 20th of October for costumes. If your child is in tap/ballet and a jazz class, your deposit is $50. This allows us to get a quicker jump on costume orders. Balances will be due in March.
Due October 20th
Recital fees are $105.00 per single child family & $120.00 for multi student family. Each participant is REQUIRED to purchase a recital t-shirt of $20. This all is to be paid with your costume deposit in October.
As of January 1st, 2025 there are NO REFUNDS for the costume deposit and recital fee. If the costume can not be returned, you will be responsible for paying for the full amount or the remaining balance of the costume.
If your costume deposit is received after Jan 1, 2025, there will be $10 late fee applied.
Placement is made with the ability of the individual student in mind and advancement is not by classes as a whole or by carpools. If a student shows appropriate and unusual progress during the year, he/she will be transferred to a more appropriate class. Pointe shoes are granted on the same basis—when we feel the student is strong enough, regardless of her age or number of years of study.
KLD Event Calendar